Among Us in Minecraft

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Among Us in Minecraft offers a whole new experience compared to the normal game: the first-player perspective adds intensity to Among Us and opens up new challenges.

This version of the game contains many highlights that make this Among Us seem at once strangely familiar, yet unfamiliar: Thus, there are digital tasks that remind us of the original. The familiar task board is also always by our side (at least, as long as no one sabotages it…). Of course, the player maps and the sabotage map are also in play. However, due to the first-player perspective, you never really know who exactly is behind you.

A Resource Pack is required to play this map. Since some of the game mechanics are fundamentally different from the original, it is recommended that you read the How To Play. But the gameplay has not changed. However, it is summarized there once again. Of course, there are also a lot of setting options. These are listed on this page. Or they can be found via How To Play.

Inspired by Innersloths Among Us. The spaceship was built by Oretz. The Datapack was developed by Storxel, as well as the artwork.

How To Play

Among Us in Minecraft Download

Game Trailer1


Dev Log

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